

Jan 4


The Starter The starter is a mix of equal parts flour and water stored in a non-airtight container. It needs to be periodically fed in order to keep it alive. This means adding fresh flour and water in equal parts and mixing. It makes sense to feed your starter shortly before (within 8-24 hours) baking with the same amount of starter that you are going to use in the recipe so that it is at its …


Jan 4


This site was created with hugo using the charaka theme, is served using nginx and hosted on a DigitalOcean droplet. Deployed like so: hugo && rsync -avc public/ ocean:~/blog nginx configuration: server { listen 443 ssl; server_name; root /home/chriswheeldon/blog/; index index.html; location / { try_files $uri $uri/ =404; } # SSL stuff # ... }